The group was formed by Dora Antoniadi and Stefanos Kotatis in the early 80's .They tried to mix rock music with jazz,ethnic and opera.This one and only lp ,although it suffered from poor production,introduced something completely different from the other Greek productions during the same time.The well known in local scene ,Stamatis Spanoudakis made the string arrangement and played all the instruments in the album.Also Gary Wright played the keybords on "The Prisoner".However, the highlight of the album is the alternative version of Talking Heads "Psycho Killer".
it was 82-83 not early 90s
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήthe comment is true.they formed early 80's not 90's.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήthank you so very much for this post. i had that album on tape, haven't heard it in 13 years. sincere thanks again, you've taken me back :)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήI have that album! I was loooking for my old albuns, and I found this one. I searched for it in the web, and, voilá. Thank you. It is one of my rarities. greetings from Portugal.