This one had been Cyrille Verdaux’ first composition recorded between 1973 and 1974 and released under the title “Clearlight Symphony” in 1975 which would be continued by him in later releases (i.e. “Symphony II”) and finally finding perfection in his “Infinite Symphony”. Comparisons of the music here with Oldfield’s “Tubular Bells” are certainly justified though one should emphasize as well that it’s more complex and versatile than that one. Basically that’s symphonic rock inspired by classical romanticism with a strong touch of space fusion and especially part one (which actually had been 2nd movement, a mistake being corrected on the CD reissue) featuring Gong members Hillage and Malherbe breathes some Canterburian atmosphere. Electronic sounds contributed by the two keyboarders Blake and Verdaux are dominating in this part which becomes even quite odd at times like around 5:00 when experimentation gets a bit pointless and almost disturbing I’ve to say. Part two is the more rocking one with Lard Free-drummer Gilbert Artman and bassist Martin Isaacs added. Christian Boulé presents here a brilliant guitar work not a bit inferior to Hillage’s in part one and Artman’s vibraphone play adds a nice jazzy touch. Verdaux used here more analogue keyboard sounds like piano, organ and Mellotron and though the composition becomes slightly repetitive at times it never sounds boring at any moment. Overall this one had been a very strong and impressing but not perfect debut by a highly talented composer and musician which should be certainly considered an essential release in Prog.
thanks for sharing this excellent album...very much obliged.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήAre you talking about the CD or the LP version here? I remember reading several times that the CD mix of the album was far inferior to the LP mix.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήThis is a cd version presented here...